Friday, July 17, 2009

Protein Powder

Taste test determined that the protein powder was a delicious addition. Hopefully it's addition will keep those hunger pangs from arising mid-morning. I bought a rice powder because it's gluten free. It's available at Northwood's Nutrition and maybe at the big box stores as well.

1 comment:

  1. Good Saturday Morning!

    Yesterday I was cramped for time so didn't make a smoothie but did enjoy one of my OJ and Just Barley Powder (available at Northwoods Nutrition) drinks. Then as one of Geri's yoga students I more than taste-tested yesterday's smoothie. I agree with Geri's comments - they were both delicious. And, I will add the rice protien powder and see if that adds to my smoothie's staying power.

    This morning I juiced apples, pears, the rest of the muskmelon, and a handful of strawberries then blended that with a big handful of spinach and a couple spoonfuls of french vanilla yogurt. Wow - my best one yet. Rick even said it wasn't bad, but stuck to the straight juice and has seen moved on to a plate of sausage :)
